Evil Dead: Regeneration Game Play
I was going to post some game play, but someone already beat me to it. Actually, a lot of people did. Here’s the first 7 minutes or so of the game. It includes some cutscenes, menu, combat, and voice systems. Sounds like this was captured off the PS2.
Classic Remake
This is one of only two cutscenes from ED:R that is a remake of scenes from the original Evil Dead II movie. Since I’m a big fan of the movies, I really wanted to do this scene justice. I tried to ride the edge of campy and creepy, much as Raimi and Campbell did. Each…
Sam and Ash
This is a more subtle mix and sound design example. The graveyard night ambiance is a composite of some field recordings that I did in Eastern Washington. One of the layers is significantly pitched down and the frogs take on a nightmare cow kinda feel. The music is typical of my eerie mood compositions, with…
Erie ambient music
This is another ambient piece of music that I wrote for Evil Dead: Regeneration. This is what is playing in the background as you wander around an insane asylum. Traditional instrumentation of reverbed piano, strings, synth pad with filter and pitch modulations. There’s also some manipulated field recordings in there, including a down pitched laundromat.…
Cranky Pants Logo
This is the Evil Dead themed logo movie I did for Cranky Pants Games. I wanted to reinforce the slapstick nature of the scene so I ‘Mickey Moused’ the music to act as the main sound design element. Classic piano scale run up to the impact, and then a vari-pitched synthetic gong patch to mimic…
Wacky Possession Music
This is an excerpt from an original composition that I did for a gameplay mode where the player posses a his Deadite sidekick. Go figure. I was given “Stand Together” by the Beastie Boys as inspiration (or rip-off). The original song has a comedic sax loop that sounds more like a clucking chicken, but then…
More Ambient Spookiness
This is some typical creepy texture undertone composition that I did for Evil Dead: Regeneration. I wrote about ten pieces for various levels, all very moody and dark. Classic horror movie instrumentation: tremolo strings, ominous kettle drum, flanged background texture, and a little bowed glass patch instead of the traditional waterphone. Composition, 5.1 mix encoded…