Tag: Microsoft

  • Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death

    Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death

    This is another project that I worked on with Paul Lipson at Microsoft, this time as a sound designer and sound supervisor.  We helped out the developers, ZootFly, as much as we could with raising the quality of their sound design and implementation in Fmod.  Unfortunately we were not able to work with the developer…

  • Halo: Spartan Assault

    Halo: Spartan Assault

    This was my first game as Sound Supervisor at Microsoft!  My Audio Director was Paul Lipson and we worked with Ramon Kerstens, the Audio Lead at Vanguard Games.  We had a challenge set before us because even though this was a comparatively casual game, it was still Halo and needed to live up to a…

  • State of Decay

    State of Decay

    Here was another great opportunity to work with Kevin Patzelt who is the Audio Director at Undead Labs, and a former employee of mine.  Kevin needed a core set of firearm sounds that would be used as the foundation for further tweaking to create the impressive arsenal found in State of Decay.  Kevin wanted us…

  • Halo 4 Sound Design

    Halo 4 Sound Design

    I was fortunate enough to participate in the large team effort to ship Halo 4! Near the end of the project everyone was chipping in and I helped out with some random sound design. This video is a collection of game captures that I would use as reference when designing the individual game assets for…

  • Fable: The Journey – video demos

    Fable: The Journey – video demos

    Here’s a collection of videos with some of my work. These are very low quality video taken from a developer build with debug text and other ugliness, and the mix is specifically sound effects heavy for demonstration purposes only. What these videos highlight is the “corruption” system that I built which was all driven from…

  • Fable: The Journey – Out Now!

    Fable: The Journey – Out Now!

    Just a quick note that Fable: The Journey has been released!  I created the creative and technical design for the “corruption”.  All that creepy, burning, gloopy, evil?  Yep, that’s me!  I also helped with other general sound design for props, the mine-cart sequence, mixing, etc.  Videos coming soon!

  • Kinect Star Wars

    Kinect Star Wars

    Just a quick update that I’ve been working on some of the cinematic audio for Kinect Star Wars.  This will be released on 04/03/2012, I’ll post some examples of my work once it’s out.  It was a real treat to be working with some of the most iconic and powerful sounds ever created, and helping…